Cass County MNGenWeb is a free genealogical site about the history of the Minnesota county.
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County Coordinator: Norma Hass
Co-Coordinator: YOU? Cass County MNGenWeb needs a local co-coordinator. Are you familiar with the area? Do you have a family tree connection to the county? Are you experienced at researching in Cass County? If your answer to any one of these questions is "YES," please consider volunteering to be a Co-Coordinator.
State Coordinator: Timothy Stowell
Assistant State Coordinator: Karen De Groote
Although Cass County was created 01 Sep 1851, it was not organized until 1897. The county was carved parts from Dakota, Mahkatah, Pembina and Wahnata Counties. Walker is the County Seat.
"Cass county, North Dakota, adjoining Clay county, and also its city of Casselton, are named for Gen. George W. Cass, of Pennsylvania, who was president of the Northern Pacific railroad company in 1872-75. He was born in Ohio, and was a nephew of Governor Lewis Cass, of Michigan; was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, in 1832; was president during twenty-five years of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad company; purchased a large tract adjoining the Northern Pacific line between fifteen and twenty miles west of Fargo, and, employing Oliver Dalrymple as farm superintendent, was the first to demonstrate in 1876 the high agricultural value of the Red river valley lands for wheat raising on a large scale." --Minnesota Geographic Names by Warren Upham, published in 1920, pages 117-118
"By an act of the Legislature, February 18, 1887, which was ratified by the vote of the people of the county at the next general election, the part of Crow Wing county west of the Mississippi river, previously belonging to Cass county, was annexed to this county, somewhat more than doubling its former area." --Minnesota Geographic Names by Warren Upham, published in 1920, page 155
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